I was spending a little time doing everything except what I SHOULD be doing (like cleaning, making dinner, preventing the children from eating cat hair off the floor) and I found myself looking through some old photos. I was struck by how much my photography has changed in just a few short years. I treasure every single one of the images I have of my babies but peeps if we’re keeping it real they ain’t all gems. And that’s OK! Everybody has to start somewhere. They just do. Photography is no different. It’s a journey that is never ending. There are still times when I feel like chucking my camera out the window and taking up macaroni art as a hobby instead but it’s often in those moments that I stretch and grow a little bit as a photographer and I carry on. I guess what I mean is that if you feel like there’s something you want to learn/do/create but you don’t know where to start then my advice is simply to do just that…start. My other piece of super un-original advice is to try not to get too caught up in the destination; as you wander your path your goals might change. There is no real “end”, it’s a journey. Enjoy it!!
I want to hear about the journeys you all are on, so spill it!
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